Build a Conda recipe

To build a Conda recipe, you need to use the following environment variables:

  • CONDA_VERSION equal to 2 (default) or 3. Control the Conda version used for the build.
  • CONDA_RECIPE. The path to the Conda recipe to build. This path must be relative to the repository’s root.
  • ANACONDA_LOGIN (optional). The usename used to connect to the Anaconda Cloud in order to upload the Conda recipe built.
  • ANACONDA_PASSWORD (optional). The usename’s password used to connect to the Anaconda Cloud in order to upload the Conda recipe built.
  • ANACONDA_OWNER (optional). The channel used to upload the Conda recipe built. If not given, it is set to the ANACONDA_LOGIN value.
  • ANACONDA_DEPLOY (optional). Deployment into the Anaconda Cloud. If set to true (default if ANACONDA_LOGIN is provided), the Conda recipe built will be deployed in the Anaconda Cloud. If set to false (default if ANACONDA_LOGIN is not provided), the Conda recipe built will not be deployed in the Anaconda Cloud.
  • ANACONDA_LABEL equal to main by default. Label to associate to the Conda recipe deployed in the Anaconda Cloud.
  • ANACONDA_CHANNELS (optional). Additional Conda channels to consider.
  • TRAVIS_WAIT (optional). See this page for more information.


It is recommanded to define the environment variables ANACONDA_LOGIN, ANACONDA_PASSWORD and ANACONDA_OWNER in the Settings pannel of Travis CI instead of in the .travis.yml (see this page). This is due to \(2\) major reasons:

  • These variables tends to be shared between various jobs (e.g., all jobs with a CONDA_RECIPE environment variable).
  • These variables tends to be overriden in forks and GitHub pull requests should not modify these values.